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We are a cross-curricular, student-run business offering a variety of services in the areas of precision machining, advanced manufacturing, video production, graphic design and marketing. We provide great services for our patrons, and we give students the opportunity to follow their passion and become entrepreneurs in the real world.

Our Services

We strive to offer superior service at competitive prices. Check out what we have to offer and reach out with any questions that we can help you with.

Our Services



Welding, CNC machining and laser engraving are our specialties. We can create almost anything for you.



We use industry-standard equipment and software to create content for a variety of purposes. See what we have to offer!


We can create any T-Shirt custom to your liking. We have great equipment and great materials to give you the fit you need.


“The experience these students are able to gain will put them far above others when looking to future employment or starting their own business. I cannot say enough good things about this program and the opportunities it gives students to be set up for success."

Taylor Siebert

Founder and CEO Striv

Co-Founder Class Intercom


Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Address. 30671 Highway 14 Fairfield, NE 68933

Tel. 402 726-2151

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